Remember when you were a kid? What did you dream of ? “One day when I grow up I’m going to ….”
Remember when you were in primary school ? Remember meeting or watching someone on TV that inspired you ? “I’m going to be just like them when I grow up …”
Remember when you were at highschool ? Remember truly discovering and exploring your talents and passions. “One day I want to … I’m going to …”
Remember you parents or brothers or sisters or teacher or coach who said “You couldn’t do that !” “Why would you want to do that ?” “You can’t earn a living from that. Get a real job” “Not everyone can do that. What makes you think you can do that ? You’re to …” “Forget it and get your head out of the clouds” and so on.
The thing is, there will always be someone to tell you that you can’t do something. And even more than that, they may even be saying it with your best interests in mind (according to them and as funny as that seems). There are always more pessimists than optomists. It is easy to criticise. It is safer to say something can’t be done. There are always people who want to project their limiting mindsets onto you.
But, at some point, YOU need to make a CONSCIOUS DECISION to ignore them. To go your own way. To follow your own heart. To back yourself. To not be limited by others. To say yes to yoruself and what you want to go after. To say NO to ‘NO’.
Of course when you follow your dreams, there needs to be an alignment of skills and talents (ie Australian Idol). And certainly there needs to be wisdom with how this works in with the rest of your life . And certainly there is a lot of hardwork, perseverence, determination and commitment that comes along with it. But it starts, with exactly what this video talks about. it starts with unlimited thinking and a conscious decision to not only face your own fears, but more often than not, to not let other people define your future. SAY NO TO ‘NO’.
Is there some area or some dream or someone or some situation in which you need to decide to SAY NO to ‘NO’ ?
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