Pay it forward – paid with a bag of veggie soup
Ah … another incredible and moving video. This time from Thailand. I love it.
In fact, this is why I absolutely love writing my blog. I write this blog as much for myself as all of you who read it. A video like this moves me and stays with me. It inspires me to live a better life. It challenges me to live a life outside of my own selfish pursuits and concerns. It encourages me that when you pay it forward and help people that they never forget that and that they will in turn do the same. It reminds me that I want to live a life that makes a difference – a life that really counts.
So amidst the routine and the daily grind of life that can often wear us down, I hope my blog brings you inspiration and energy and life. May it be like a library of inspiration, encouragement, tips, and motivation. And we can never have enough of that in our lives !
Enjoy this latest dose !