612, 2013

Inspired Gifts for Christmas and other occasions

By |December 6th, 2013|Miscellaneous|0 Comments


Well it's almost Christmas time and so we turn our thoughts to presents and gifts. But this year I want to share with you a tradition I have just started in our family – one that I think taps into one of the real meanings of Christmas – giving.

Why not this Christmas give a gift that makes a difference to others and helps others in need ? I mean, who needs another candle ?! Or another T-shirt? Instead, why don't you buy a gift for someone that goes to someone else in need. A goat. Or a bike. Or a water purifier that thenn helps an entire family have clean drinking water which then lifts their health, which means they don't miss school because of sickness, which means they get better educated, which means … you get the picture. It is better to give than to receive. And if you're reading this then it is clear that you live a blessed life. So why not start a tradition in your family or use this Christmas or birthday or wedding or other occasion to bless others. And you know what – there is a saying that I like that says "The fragrance of the rose always stays in the hand of the giver". Trust me – you'll be blessed from giving.

So here's a list of a few inspired gift programs I know of and some of my favourite gifts.

  • Water Charity – 100% of public donations funding water projects around the world. 9,458 water projects funded so far, giving clean water to 3,500,000 people, in over 20 countries. And you get photos and GPS co-ordinates to prove the difference you made. Click here to find out why water is so important.

Present idea => A Biosand filter ($65)- a gift wrapped in concrete, filled with sand and running on bacteria !



  • Childfund – The charity I have sponsored my children through for almost 20 years. And having visited my sponsored child in Kenya in 2003, I know how incredibly effective this organisation is – I've seen it with my own eyes ! 

Present idea => Mosquito Nets ($60) – Provide 10 insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets to keep children safe from lethal maleria.

Present idea => Goat ($55) – Goats are easy to raise, can survice the toughest conditions, eat almost anything, reporoduce quickly, provide milk and can be sold if necessary.

Present idea => 15 Fruit Tree seedings ($28) – What could be better for a hungry child than healthy fruit that they can eat or sell at market


  • Unicef – This amazing organisation had made worldwide impact as you can see from this picture.

Present idea => A bike ($103)- so helpful for health workers or to transport product, vaccines etc

Present idea => Measles vaccines ($28) – this will protect 100 children from measles

Present idea => Pencils ($13) – 500 pencils will unlock imagination & are a vital tool for learning and education





It’s always someone’s birthday or wedding. So why not institute this in your family this year or do this throughout the year. Or getting married and don't need another platter or toaster ? Imagine the difference you could make with some inspired gifts ! 

312, 2013

One of the best ads I’ve ever seen (Jean-Claude Van Damme style)

By |December 3rd, 2013|Miscellaneous|0 Comments

This blog isn’t one to make you think or to challenge or inspire you. Just one to enjoy …