Pure inspiration VI – Narayanan Krishnan – living a life that counts by giving
In the last two chapters of my book ‘A Life That Counts‘ I write about enjoying the journey and of living a life of significance and purpose that makes a difference and leaves a legacy. Personally, that’s what I want to do. I want to go after my dreams with everything I have and without regret. I want to have a life where I am living my dreams. And I plan to always do this. But I don’t want my dreams to just be selfish. Because if they are – to what end ? I mean, let’s say I have all these personal goals and dreams and I achieve them. Great ! But have I made a difference to others? Am I leaving a legacy ? Am I living a life of real purpose and significance or just living a life of selfish self-fulfillment.
To me Narayanan Krishnan is one of those inspirations to live a life bigger than my own. To think outside of myself. To take myself out of the glass box that I live in. To wake up and get my hands dirtier. To make decisions that will lead me into the life I know I am meant to lead – in charity and philanthropy. Making the world a better place, one person at a time – with a soft heart, but strong head.
“Start giving. See the joy of giving.”
Narayanan Krishna