What's your story ?

By |August 7th, 2012|Dare to Dream, Uncategorized|0 Comments

So when you think of the future, what comes to mind ? What have you done ? What haven’t you done ? What are you disappointed about ? What do you regret ? What are you satisfied and happy about ? What are you proud of ? Who’s in your world in the future ? Who isn’t ?

The thing about our future is that we truly do create it. It sounds like such a cliche but it’s true. We do create our own story. It is not already mapped out for us like a treadmill we can’t get off or a book that is already written. You’re in control of your own destiny because your future  is defined by the decisions you make today. Noone forces you to make those decisions. Most certainly circumstances factor into the decisions we each make. But at the end of the day, circumstances are just a factor in this decision-making process. After all, how many stories have you heard of people rising up from poverty and from disadvantaged backgrounds to do incredible things? From Oprah Winfrey, to Obama, to Nic Vujicic (whose inspiration video I have included in a blog before), to the ‘Blade Runner’ (Oscar Pistorius), to the Iraqi rowers I watched in a videomon the plane yesterday – guys who train to compete in the Olympic Games by rowing along the Tigris River in Baghdad amidst war and at times dead bodies which float around them. Or, whilst not as extreme, what about a boy from Australia doing bobsleigh in the Olympics !

Let me share a little bit about how I view the future. I absolutely believe my best days are ahead. And I actively plan for the future I want. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy where I’m at, but I definitely think and plan and actively make decisions in order to create the tapestry of the life that I want. Here’s the proof … just today on a plane I scribbled out various things about my life right now and about how I wanted it to look in various areas and I made plans for what I would do to make this a reality.

But more than that. I also have constructed vision boards for how I want my future to look. Here’s one of them (there’s a few).

I’ve written about how powerful vision boards are in a few past blogs below and I’ve also given them a fair bit of attention in both my book and workbook.
1. Goal Setting – the magic noone gets
2. Authentic – Living the dream

They do make a difference as many will testify to. So I want to encourage you again to create your own vision board – a vision for your own future and what it will look like. They will help the dream in your head come alive and become real in your emotions. They’ll help you see, feel, smell, taste, touch your dream future more easily. To feel all the fulfilment of doing that thing you’ve always wanted; to feel the joy of your friends and family around you; to hear the laughter of your kids; to taste that beautiful dinner you just cooked for that dinner party; to smell the wood burning on that open fire; to feel healthy and fit like you desire. And so on. You get the picture. You see, this is the secret sauce that many people miss and aren’t aware of – turning your goals and hopes into a genuine emotional experience. One that arouses your emotions and changes them from mere words or hopes or desires into powerful images that you can immerse yourself in and, in so doing, will then fire up your powerful emotional circuits (the Limbic System) that will ultimately drive your behaviour. (Read chapter 5 in my book or buy my workbook if you wish to know more).

And the cool thing is that, at the same time, by constantly seeing pictures of what you want your future to look like, you will be closing the gap between what you dream and what you actually believe you can achieve. Remember that your mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and non-reality. So, by visualising your future (vision boards is just one way of doing this) you’ll suddenly find it much easier for your mind to believe you’ll achieve the dream. It won’t seem unachievable or unrealistic at all!

So what’s your story ? What’s your future look like ? Are you encouraged by the fact that some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet ? Remember, you’re future is in your own hands because the decisions you make today will contribute to define your future tomorrow. So what decisions will you make today ? Will be doing a vision board be one of them ?