Pay the bucket list forward II

By |June 26th, 2012|Dare to Dream, Uncategorized|1 Comment

I love writing this blog as I at my core I love inspiring others. And in doing so I challenge and encourage myself to take control of my own life, to dream, to have the guts to follow those dreams and passions, to be authentic and purpose driven and to create the life I really want to live.

One of my most popular blogs has been when I wrote my bucket list. And it has inspired others to write theirs. Remember Ness’s – 30 things before 30 !!! And then Alicias bucket list. Well here’s another very incredible woman and her bucket list. I’ll let her tell you in her own words. Over to you Emma Mullings (connect with her at

“We have all heard of a bucket list – the things you want to do before you ‘kick the bucket’.  What a charming expression that is.

When Rollo first asked me last year if I had a bucket list I answered ‘yes’ very sheepishly, (and automatically regretted admitting to it). You see I did have a bucket list, which I had only recently created. I hadn’t told ANYONE about it because the bucket list was written out of a place of deep depression. It was literally a bucket list of things I wanted to try and do in the next few months, as I felt that was all I had left to live, my will and fight to overcome was at an all time low.  How someone can think like that is a whole different blog delving into the intricacies of depression. Ironically enough though as I started to do these things written on this ‘bucket list’ I started to get my joy back.

So here is my initial bucket list, keeping in mind I was thinking short term– written August/September last year (2011)

  • See a show at the Opera House – yes I went OPRAH but technically it was on the steps outside, I really wanted to see a show IN the Opera House.
  • Do an acting course – and be stretched as an actor
  • Act in a short film
  • Be the strongest and fittest I’ve ever been
  • Run a half marathon
  • Do a writing course
  • Start writing my book
  • Do an accent course
  • Sing more
  • Play my guitar more
  • Teach Hosannah and Jeremiah how to sing and dance (my kids, they were age 1 and 9 months at the time, I’m not really sure what I was thinking)
  • Box in a professional women’s competition

So in the next few months it’s safe to say I went wild with extra-curricular activities (as wild as 2 toddlers and a job will allow).  I saw India Arie at the Opera House; I did two acting courses and yes stretched myself to the point of nailing a screaming, crying scene.  I felt like I could have won an Academy Award for that effort.  I shot a short film and loved the character.  I did the American accent course, why? I’m still not sure, but practicing yelling at my husband “with heightened emotion” in an American accent was somehow quite entertaining for everyone.  I started writing my book, and in doing so was able to finally articulate the message I felt God has put on my heart for women.  I ran the City 2 Surf (14km), the 8km Classic, and am running a half marathon in September.  I am the strongest and fittest I’ve ever been in my life.  I officially have a six pack which I never thought was possible on my body, especially after being stretched with two babies.  I now try to always sing in the shower, something I’ve never done.  Still working on that one. My guitar still gets a bit lonely, but I’ve explained to it that my other two children require food, nurture and attention to live and it can wait until the next season.  I have taught Hosannah and Jeremiah freedom in music.  Sing anything, do any move, you are perfect just the way you are, you are FREE to enjoy creativity.  In wanting to be a good example of “Freedom” to my daughter, I can now shamelessly dance around out of time to any song in public without fear of what man thinks.  It’s awesome. I looked into the boxing comp but as I do a regular presenting segment on Channel 10, I couldn’t find a time where it was going to ok to potentially get my nose broken, so my outlet for that is doing a regular boxing class at the gym.  My husband is very relieved.  I did a writing course, which I loved, and then did an Advanced Diploma in Journalism via correspondence– something that was meant to take at least a year (I gave myself 2 years). I finished it in 4 months with straight A’s.

At the end of the day, putting things on paper is powerful, “write the vision and make it clear”; it works both ways, for the negative and positive.  I have always been a big believer in the power of words.  Our family home is decorated in declarations of Faith and Love.  Sometimes in the journey of life we have nothing “real” we can grasp, but we always have the power to put pen to paper and “write the vision”.  And we can write WHATEVER we want, no matter how wild and out of reach it may seem in the natural.  That in itself is powerful.   I can honestly say almost a year later I am in a better place mentally.  Ironically enough I found the joy in life again by completing a list I had written for my death.”

A Final Thought
Remember, who cares if tick off everything on your bucket list. It isn’t a shopping list !!!
It’s about the journey and what life you’ll lead as you look to do some of the things on your bucket list.
After all, remember, 20 years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you DIDN’T do than by the things you did !!!