Secrets to success – Arnie style

By |October 4th, 2011|Action, Belief, Success|0 Comments

Before you watch this video let me tell you a little story …

When Arnold Schwarzenegger first came to America as a young teenager, he spent time living and training with Dr John Gourgott, an eye physician and successful bodybuilder who’d come second in the Mr America competition during the 1960s. Arnold was a young, relatively uneducated man who barely spoke a word of English. As a sort of father figure, John tried to give him some good, fatherly advice after Arnold won his first competition. He told him to invest his money and buy a gymnasium, to run it and build a solid future, in order to secure his financial future.

To John’s astonishment, Arnold listened and then quietly responded, ‘You don’t know the meaning of ambition. I’m not going to run a gym; I’m going to be a movie star – and I’m going to be the President of America!’ John was incredulous and tried to get Arnold to see reason. And yet history shows what a man could achieve who had much less going for him than most people who turn up in Hollywood wanting to be a star. He had an unshakeable belief in himself and was prepared to do whatever hard work was necessary for him to get there. Failure was just another lesson on the way to achieving what he wanted – and perhaps one day he will be President of the United States!

We all know what Arnie has gone on to achieve – in bodybuiding, in Hollywood and the movies and most recently in politics.  So love him or hate him – he has been there and done that and can rightly talk about secrets to success.

So – secrets to success Arnie style …

1.       Trust yourself
2.       Break some rules
3.       Don’t be afraid to fail
4.       Ignore the naysayers
5.       Hardwork – Work like hell!
6.       Give something back

My challenge – do one of these better and you’ll see a difference … so go for it and good luck !