30 things before 30 !!!

By |September 27th, 2011|A Life That Counts, Dare to Dream|2 Comments

I was out celebrating a good friends birthday the other night and we got to talking about one of my most popular blogs – my bucket list ! I’d just ticked something off it – getting my first ever tube surfing. My friend Vanessa had just had the idea to write her own version of a bucket list – 30 things to do before she’s 30 !

My challenge to Ness was to write her list and put it out there in the public space on my blog for all to see  – to inspire others but also make herself accountable to it by doing so. So … over to you Ness … I’m proud of you and it’s an honour to have this on my blog …

“Often we have great intensions and goals for ourselves, yet they tend to go unrealised when juggling life’s web of professional and social commitments.

Since the age of 9, I have always kept a journal and have often penned lists of goals I have wanted to achieve for myself – namely in the cooking (I’m terrible) and fitness department.

Having recently celebrated my 29th Birthday, I have decided to set the personal challenge of achieving 30 goals before I turn 30!

While being limited by finances (please refer to Goal 18) many of my goals have repeatedly featured in a number of my journals over the years…I am hoping by putting my list out into the public domain, this will be the ignition I need to achieve many long-outstanding personal goals and interests.

So without further ado – here’s to a cracking 29th year!

1.     Go camping for the first time in my life – yeeeha!

2.     Run a half marathon

3.     Take cooking classes to improve skills and confidence in the old kitchen

4.     Cook and host a three-course dinner party for ten (shivers…)

5.     Take up paddle boarding and tennis

6.     Write a letter once a fortnight to a close friend or rello

7.     Be the fittest and healthiest I have ever been – including doing at least 30 mins of exercise every day

8.     Return to Cambodia with Tim

9.     Change all four tyres on my car, oil and air filter (never been attempted)

10. Read 15 books, starting with Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities”

11. Book a weekend away with Tim and close friends and absolutely indulge in good wine, cheese and their fabulous company

12. Learn to scuba dive

13. Complete an artwork that I’d been happy to hang on our lounge room wall

14. Drive the Great Ocean Road

15. Proudly stand by my sister as she marries her best friend & life partner

16. Accept that every day I am doing my best  – be calm, breathe and be aware that God’s work is at hand

17. Go to church regularly

18. Be in a position to purchase a home for the Birch family

19. Volunteer once a month (Streetlevel, with kids or oldies)

20. Be more aware and alert of my environmental impact and make smart choices regarding the products I purchase & consume

21. Do a public speaking course and speak in front of 100 + people

22. Get in the car and just drive away for the weekend, no plans, just go on a road trip to the great unknown (possibly tie in with No.1)

23. Plant a herb garden and enjoy the fruits of my labour (extremely poor track record)

24.  Learn how to play a song on the guitar

25. Complete our 2009 Honeymoon coffee table book / album

26.  Once a month see Sydney through the eyes of a tourist and get out & about on small adventures (art galleries, exhibitions, free festivals)

27. Stop biting my fingernails once and for all!

28. Stand up on a surf board and attempt to ride a wave

29. Always be open to give of my time, support and finances to those in need

30.  Host a kick arse 30th Birthday Party!

A Final Thought
I trust you’re inspired and those creative juices are flowing for your own list. And here’s the thing with going after your dreams. Let’s say Vanessa ticks off only 20 of the things on her ‘bucket’ list and not all 30. Does it matter ? Isn’t she better off regardless ? Hasn’t she had one hell of a ride doing them ? Hasn’t it led to her having an adventurous and purposeful year doing the things she loves and has always wanted to do ?
It’s the same with your own dreams. Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you DIDN’T do than by the things you did. So go after them and approach life in the same manner – without regret.
You’re better off regardless, you live life without regret, and heck … what if they come true ?