The Peru Bull Fight
Today’s blog is a little lighter. A bit of humour for you. Can you believe this. The things we do for fun hey !
Hope you’re smiling and have a great day.
Today’s blog is a little lighter. A bit of humour for you. Can you believe this. The things we do for fun hey !
Hope you’re smiling and have a great day.
This video is interesting because it speaks of a number of things …
Be inspired and be you ! The world needs it.
Do you remember the first video I put up of Michael Jordan speaking about failing to success. The greatest basketballer of all time who not only trained hard but was cut from his high school basketball team.
Well here’s another video that speaks of ‘Failing towards success’ and at the same time of ‘Saying ‘no’ to no !’.
That is don’t let others determine your future. Don’t let others determine what you can or can’t do. Consciously make a decision to not be limited by other people’s opinions or let others somehow try and define your future.
Remember those dreams you had as a kid and watching those heroes that inspired you and dreaming you could be them. Remember planning what you would do when you grew up. Remember holding that secret dream i your hear and stepping out and then someone telling you ‘you’ll never make it’, or ‘you can’t do it’, or ‘why try’ or ‘better to spend your time and energy on something else’ or ‘you can’t earn a living from that’ or ‘get your head out of the clouds’ .. and the list goes on. There’s plenty of people to tell you that you can’t do something.
Well let this video inspire you. And let the following quote that I had on the inside of my bobsleigh during the Olympics inspire you.
“Impossible is a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world that they were given than to explore the world that could be.
Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration, it is a dare.
impossible is nothing”