Do you know there is no one else like you in the entire world. You’re one of a kind. A ‘once in all history’ event. A miracle. Completely unique. An amazing individual … so with that in mind, here’s some other thoughts for you / about you / for you …

1. You are not your body and your body is not you but you best look after each other anyway. You might be together for a while.

2. You’ll never have more potential than you do right now, so find a way to use more of what you’ve got.

3. It’s not a time issue. It’s a how-you-manage-your-time issue. After all Mother Theresa and Bill Gates and Bono and Nelson Mendella and Michael Phelps all only have 24 hours in the day too.

4. You’ll never be perfect , so aim for better.

5. You’ll never live in the future or the past, so find a way to be happy in the now.

6. Life doesn’t get better, you do. Life is life – it will happen to you, around you and despite you. It’s your job to get better in the middle of it all. We can choose how we feel and how we respond. One person sees a problem. Another person sees a lesson. One person sees an obstacle. Another person sees a challenge.  Things only have the meaning you give them. Every day, you get to create your own reality. We are often just too busy rationalising, justifying and making excuses. So choose wisely.

7. The only thing you can change about the past is how it affects us.

8. You’ll never find yourself or happiness in things. So stop looking there. Your happiness works from the inside-out. Not the other way around.

9. Even though you might not feel it, think it, believe it or hear it, you are good enough. And you do deserve it.

10. Real success is not about what you earn, own, achieve or win but who you become along the way.